What is Nadi Astrology?


About Nadi Astrology

The Rishis of Ancient India applied their minds and discovered many arts and sciences for the well-being of future generations of mankind. One such science is Astrology. There are several branches in Astrology viz Horoscopy., i.e. casting and reading horoscopes based on the Positions of planets at the time of birth of a Person and the movements of the Planets across the Zodiac. This is a well developed science as exhibited from ancient manuscripts like Brihat samhita, Jathaka Paarijatha etc. Palmistry, Numerology and Nadi reading are the other disciplines. Experiences our family has so far and feedback from our clientele makes us to learn that the predictions being expounded through the records of palm leaves we preserve, aptly suits to the natives only 80 percent that is too only to 80 percent of the total visitors. The remedies being prescribed here in the holy script including the temple poojas are left to the sheer choice of the individuals concerned.

What is Nadi ?

Predictions are given only for such of those presons who the Rishis out of their foreknowledge knew will come forward to study these Predictions. The exact age in which each such person will come for this study have also been foretold by Rishis. These predictions were inscribed on palmleaves. Like many other arts and sciences of ancient days they were also in Sanskrit. Later days, the Tamil kings gathered all such palm leaves irrespective of the subjects, they dealt upon and stored them in big libraries. These leaves which are the repository of the Wisdom of ancient Rishis woud otherwise have been lost to us. The king of Tanjore, a true patron of Arts and Sciences, found a reserve for these plam leaves in his palace library. He also got them translated in to ancient Tamil with the help of Pandits. The palm leaves kept by us are those which we got from our ancestors. We have not professed at any time that these are the original palm leaves Purported to be written by the rishis and obtained by us in the days of British rule in the auction.

Before revealing the predictions, each person is first identified by furnishing his date of birth details, planetary positions as at the time of his / her birth, parentage, names of some close relatives, position in life. marital status etc. After this, the predictions for the individual follow from the date of his studying the Nadi to his last day. The past, i.e. the happenings from date of birth to date of studying the leaf is not covered. This is probably in order to avoid any complications arising in human lives.